Wednesday, December 24, 2008

i need to fuck you right now

just got in from shovelling snow. ugh. i fucking hate how all my neighbours are old, and my dad is too nice... meaning i shovel more than just one driveway. I know this is probably really bad to think... but i honestly cant wait till these people clock out, or until my dad gets some sense... so we dont have to spend over 2 hours lifting and pushing around snow. Ugh. when i grow up, i am only gonna be responsible for my own driveway thanks.

i logged onto livejournal to read one of my friends posts:
christmas present sex is the best sex
i fucking love this season

i just smiled, nodded, and continued surfing the web.

So tired. My mouth tastes gross, and i have 6 days.

an edit @ about 4ish pm

i am watching, never been kissed... and there are so many people in this movie.
"i never made it to my prom"
"i only made it to the parking lot"

I am being haunted by memories. Your face in my head, kills me every time, your voice does 10 times more the damage. Fuck, i want you around all the time... but no, that would be too easy.

Oh Yeah, Merry Christmas Eve

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