Saturday, January 31, 2009

i have the taste of left over gin in my mouth. i didnt drink gin last night.

my body is exhausted from all the physical and recreational activity i have been doing this month, especially this week. i think i have been noticing changes in my body, yay. im still a fatty, but whatever... progress.

it's pretty obvious i'll never be a size zero... nor would i ever want to be one... cuz hen i'd look like every other no shape Filipino girl on the planet. Ewwwwww, so nasty. i love my breasts, hips, and the rump i call a bum... and regardless of how much i work out... im not gonna lose those! Which is why i am convinced that when i do lose more weight, and tone it all up... my body will be similar... but clearly not as amazing as Kim Kardashians. She's sooo effing hot. I wanna be like her, and release a sex tape, and sell it. Kidding.

check the way she still has mad curves. yeaaap, thats gonna be me. *fingers crossed* haha. I mean im pretty confident that my body isnt gonna look ugly when i lose weight. I have been slim before, and my body was pretty decent. Sooo you knowwww. Lets pray for the best, shall we.

Everyone i know is getting in shape, and it's awesome. It'll all be worth it once summer comes around. I mean shoot, whats the point of working at a bikini store if i dont get to buy and wear (and look good in) the damn things. Beach bodies y'all. Beach bodies!

BTW: to anyone who needs a discount on bathing suits, swimwear. i can get 20% off swimming apparel. BUT if your sizes are similar to mine... i can probably pass it off as personal purchase and get you 40% or 50% off. Just sayn. Good Karma Y'all!

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Im a person with too many plans. I have made numerous plans with numerous amounts of people, and yet if asked what my plans are i could never recall all of them, or any. So i decided to blog out all my 'plans'. I will write them according to the people i have plans with. If you would like to make plans with me, feel free to comment, or call my phone :) I am always down for plans


  • go to the great coral reef in australia (might as well, since we're prob gna go to med school there)
  • At twenty-six, go to LA... and drink
  • go to miami & blast pitbull from our rental car
  • watch The Strokes live
  • watch Daft Punk live
  • watch misc. movies on DVD
  • we still need to go on our "twenty-first century date" in which i was the guy, and you were the girl... yeah i still remember
  • go sleep in Paris
  • wake up in Tokyo
  • have a dream in New Orleans
  • fall in love in Chicago (not to eachother)
  • go to great wolf lodge
  • go on a random road trip
  • go see coldplay before they break up
  • fly a kite
  • go to the ROM
  • go to ikea
  • buy a book
  • write our fucked up story in that book


  • When we're 21, go to the states
  • go to New York again
  • go to europe
  • go to hawaii and surf
  • learn how to long board
  • go to the SXSW festival
  • go to Coachella
  • go on a cruise
  • go to a whole bunch of 19+ shows, 'cuz you know... we're 19 now
  • party hipster style
  • go to kariya park and have a photoshoot
  • go to our cute spot and have starbucks
  • make lamingtons
  • make lemonade
  • make videos
  • vintage shopping
  • holiday sweater shopping
  • watch movies.
  • work at american apparel at the same time, along with caroline
  • wild vines party
  • drink a box of wine with dixie cups
  • go to the zoo, and touch the fur or a lemur


  • go to brasil after our undergrad years
  • get sexy
  • get sexy and rub oil on our bodies, like in that enur calabria video
  • go to caribanna & wear hella tacky clothes
  • buy lululemon pants
  • buy tna pants
  • buy monokinis, put shorts over them, and go clubbing
  • go clubbing
  • buy those 3 dollar coronas at the wings place beside her house
  • go shopping in buffalo


  • live together during med school
  • go to med school together
  • work at american apparel at the same time along with sica
  • canadas wonderland water park
  • picnics

who else do i have plans with? That's enough for now.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

getting cute

NTS: go to chapters or a store that sells really nice stationery.

i might not know your name, but i know every curve of your body, and thats got to mean more than a few couple of letters and a space in between.

today in soc class:
Hot Prof: Are the lights okay?
Class: Nooo.
*hot prof turns off one row of lights*
Hot Prof: Better? or should i turn off one more row?
Class: One more.
*hot prof turns off one more row of lights*
Me: Yeah, thats good.
Hot Prof: It's good? alright awesome.
*I turn to Krystle*
Me: Omg, i talked to him... sort of.

Monday, January 26, 2009

killing time

my name is carlax. in my spare time, i ride horses, and kill bad guys.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

the best

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Viva Las Vegas

Brandon Flowers. I am web-proclaiming my love for you. You are a ridiculous excuse for a man, and I am in love with every inch of your existence.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

it dont beat the way it used to

I get to see my boy tomorrow. He's from vegas. We've had an on and off relationship since i've been in grade 10. I thought he was the one. I always said, God broke the mould after he created my boy. I thought he was cute when he wore eyeliner and pouted his lips. He's into wearing feathers and sequins now. He usually has some sexy scruff facial hair going on. He doesnt dance much... he just kind of jives. I'm down with that. I know i am in love. He's only here for a night though. So i gotta make tomorrow worthwhile. I cant wait to see my boy, Brandon...Brandon Flowers. Oh yeah, he's bringing his friends too... The Killers.

Apparently if you dream of movie theatres, this means you have seen your parents have sex... and that you long to see people having sex.
And if you dream about the number 3, you're dreaming about male genitals.
Oh psychoanalysis. What a treat <3

one year since heath has been gone.. really? shoot.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

my sister is currently high, calling from 5 and 10. WOW. I would normally say some bad things, but i have this irrational fear if i say something bad, something bad will happen to her. haha, like that one time i was really bitchy on the phone... and i felt bad for being a bitch, so i sent my sister a text msg saying sorry, cuz i was just in a really bad mood. if something happened to her, god knows... surely i would... probably, and literally kill myself. so i wont say anything, other than she better come home tonight safe.

I really dont know why she does some of the things she does, nor does she know why i do some of the things i do. I guess we're even. Ugh, i hate being the big sister sometimes, because i get mad too easily, and worry too much. It's easier to act like i dont give a fuck, but when in reality, i care too much. To the point where after i hang up the phone, i call back, and be like... just fucking come home soon, and... but still keeping that bitchy tone... but really i just want her home, so i know where she is, and that shes safe.

I have some sort of like emergency scenario playlists in my head, of things that can go wrong when my sister is out. Sometimes it's overwhelming, so i shove the thoughts way back, so i dont have to think about it... but the feeling of anxiety is always there. I guess i have to put a lot of trust into her, and trust the fact that she knows what she's doing, and that she trusts whos shes out with. It's Hard.

I dont think i'll ever stop thinking about Andrea in that way. I'll refuse to believe the fact that shes turning 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 30, 35....etc etc 70. To me, shes still my likkle choba, that called cell phones celery phones, and gloves... glums. So its not my fault i worry too much.

Monday, January 19, 2009

for jah provide the bread

How old was the last perso​n you kisse​d?​​​

Have you had sex in the last 7 days?​​​

What'​​​s with you and the last perso​n you kisse​d?

What time did you wake up this morni​ng?​​​

Will you be in a relat​ionsh​ip next month​?
probably not

Do you like to cuddl​e and snugg​le?​​​
yeah, its cute

Who was the last perso​n you held hands​ with?​​​
angey <3>​ed about​ anyth​ing today​?​​​
sleepy time

Are you texti​ng anyon​e?​​​
not at the moment no

Have you broke​n the law in the past 3 days?​​​

What'​​​s on your bedro​om floor​ right​ now?
clothes, bags, books

Did you kiss or hug anyon​e today​?​​​
hugs all around

What is the last gift someo​ne got you?
a bathing suit

What were you doing​ at midni​ght last night​?​​​
online chatting

When is your birth​day?​​​
october 29th

Who did you last eat Chine​se food with?

Singl​e or Taken​?​​​

Do you have any plans​ for the weeke​nd?​​​
killers concert, reading

Is anyon​e on your bad side right​ now?

When did you last talk to your broth​er or siste​r?​​​
just now

Do you think​ your last ex deser​ves to die?
no. although at points in time i did wish they fell down a flight of stairs

Has someo​ne told you that they liked​/​​​loved​ you in the past week?​​​

Do you want to be in a relat​ionsh​ip?​​​
when im feeling like a girl

Do you belie​ve in soul mates​?​​​
half and half

Are you curre​ntly wanti​ng any pierc​ings or tatto​os?​​​

Are you a morni​ng perso​n or a night​ perso​n?​​​
i can do both

Do you talk about​ your feeli​ngs or hide them?​​​
i can do both

Is the last perso​n you kisse​d mad at you?
i dont think so... doubt it

What would​ you do if you got pregn​ant?​​
i'd fucking die... no lie the word abortion would be floating around in my head

Have you ever cried​ durin​g a movie​?​​​
all the fucking time

Who was the last perso​n you could​ not take your eyes off of?
some random guy

Do you have a secre​t that you'​​​re asham​ed of?
a little bit

How long do you want your relat​ionsh​ip to last for if you are even in one?

Do you like Valen​tine'​​​s Day?
i get candy, so why not

Did you have a dream​ last night​?​​​
something sexy

Has a boy sat on your bed befor​e?​​​
yeaaap, two boys even. hahaha

Have you ever walke​d in on peopl​e havin​g sex?
no... well maybe actually

Did you get a full 8 hours​ of sleep​ last night​?​​​
hells yeah

How many TRUE frien​ds do you have that you can tell anyth​ing to?
like 6

Have you ever been taken​ to the emerg​ency room in ambul​ance?​​​

Have you ever kisse​d someo​ne whose​ name start​ed with an W?

Whose​ bed did you sleep​ in last night​?​​​
my very own

Ever kisse​d anyon​e eight​een or older​?​​​

What are you doing​ tomor​row?

Have you spoke​n to your mothe​r today​?​​​

Do you drink​ a lot of water​?​​
i pop bottles

When is the last time you saw numbe​r four on your top frien​ds?​​​
i dont really rank my friends... sooo i wouldnt know

Do you think​ someo​ne is think​ing about​ you?
maybe every now and then

What was the last thing​ you laugh​ed at?
something shawn said

What were you doing​ at seven​ this morni​ng?​​​
catching z's

What do you usual​ly do right​ when you wake up?
roll around, and try and fall back asleep

Who was your first​ crush​?​​​
either steven or richard

Do you belie​ve that cheat​ing is ok?

feeling a bit ethnic

totally learning the lyrics to this song: (sorry embedding was disabled... and i wasnt about to post no live shit)

for me to learn the lyrics to this song, means that i will have to sneak in karaoke sessions in my basement.. preferably when my parents arent home... cuz i dont want them to hear my white washed tagalog singing voice. Not to mention, how retarded im going to sound trying to sound out all the words i dont know. Oh geez. So stoked.

bukas na lang kita mamahalinnnnnn(8)
rough translation...tomorrow instead, i will love you? i will love you tomorrow instead? HAHAHA sounds way better in tagalog.

Yeeee distillation lab today! Totally will be singing in my head.

lab = lame. last one there.... broke a flask. Hot.

im hungry as hell

Sunday, January 18, 2009

forever the sickest kids

the 'best playlist' consists of:
T-Pain ft Ludacris - Chopped n Skrew'd
MGMT vs Justice - electric feel remix
loft - mallorca
50 cent - candy shop
three six mafia - smoking on da dro
50 cent - bitch get in my car
Varsity Fanclub - Future Love
&& some other stuff that i wasnt paying attention too, cuz i was listening to other things.

My uncle is the coolest uncle ever.
we were jammin in his room to Lady Gaga & B.Spears, youtubing obese people. thats love. <3

anyway i am currently listening to tagalog songs... kind of awesome, kind of embarassing. really and truly, i never really pay attention to the lyrics to tagalog songs... but they are just pretty epic...i think most of them are about heart break and loss and things.

wuh yuh say?

i bought a bathing suit last night. i actually had the bathing suit on hold for a while, and finally bought it yesterday. 50 bucks :) well considering, it was like 200 dollars before it was marked down, and then with my 50% off discount. So yeah, pretty sweet. Sorina ended up buying her suits she put on hold as well. I also had a Bistro wrap from lettuce eatery, and it was soo effing good. Ugh, i love that place <3. 3 people complimented me on my scarf last night, i felt pretty rad not gonna lie. Ohh, you know what else i had last night? A grapefruit italian soda. Fucking best bro.

anyway, after work, calvin txt'd me to go swimming. obviously, i was stoked considering i had just bought a new bathing suit. Swimming was pretty fun, i kind of just waded around, and just sat by the stairs or on cal or whatever. Spent most of my time in the mens sauna, because it was freaking cold. So cold my lips were purple. I had to hide and stuff from any old men who wanted to come into the sauna. Luckily didnt get caught :) Went home, and wanted to shower. I googled, how to remove chlorine smell out of hair... and in this one post.. someone said that vinegar works. Sooo i tried it. it kind of worked... the chlorine smell isnt as strong, compared to past times in where i didnt use vinegar. So ghetto.

this bikini top

this bikini bottom

Friday, January 16, 2009

*clap clap clap*

i've been pretty good, with the whole eat healthier thing. i had a quiche and a salad today.. pretty rad, pretty rad.

time for bullet form, things that bother me
  • When people put music on their bloggers...esp when there is no music player... so i cant press pause. ESP! when its a stupid song. Reason: it means i have to mute my music (which i'd much rather listen to). Plus, dont you think the music just take away from whats written? How am i supposed to know how sad you were, on whatever day, if your blog is singing some so last year hip hop single. Youtube links preferred, thanks.
  • Lil' Wayne. Reason: The music's good... he just scares the fuck out of me.
  • Asian girls with brown died hair, and hella grown out roots. Reason: That's ugly as fuck
  • Girls. Reason: they're cunts. i mean, look at me.
  • When girls dont know how to flush toilets. Reason: do i even NEED a reason?
  • When Bobby called me at fucking 8am. Reason: it was 8am... i have class at 11. I wanted to sleep.
  • i dont see people as often as i used to
  • brokencyde
  • emo/screamo/electro/hardcore bands
  • the fact that my heart sometimes aches, but there is nothing "I" can do about it anymore.
  • DRAKE. you heard me. He should be in a wheelchair hating life on degrassi.
I think thats all for whats bothering me at the moment.

Things that i like.
  • my blackberry
  • cranberry juice
  • salads/vegetables/soups/wraps
  • bob marley
  • my tv in my room works again. No cable. Just a DVD player :)
  • killers concert next week... i dont know any new songs... i dont really care.
things that im planning to buy
  • lush cupcake facial mask
  • a DSLR
  • leopard print leggings
  • some form of peacoat
  • xmas gifts

Thursday, January 15, 2009

too early

8 am-ish, waiting for my anatomy and physio lecture (which starts at 9)
decided i was gonna do that 16 random facts thing, that people started doing on blogger a while back. Literally, i tried to write my 16 facts before.... got to like the third fact and got bored. So, now i am going to make an honest attempt, and hopefully finish it.

1. I hate smiling

2. I love being naked

3. When I take showers, I sit on the tub floor.

4. I have a thing for guys with facial hair

5. I get turned on watching guys do what they love

6. I spend way too much time watching online television

7. I think about sex too much... way too much

8. I like the feeling when you breathe in, in the winter, and your nosehairs freeze

9. I am overly sarcastic, rude and bitchy

10. I've loved the color purple since before it was the "in" color

11. I have watched Superbad, Jackass 2 and Knocked Up over maybe 50 times.... each.

12. I'm on Alesse, (HAHAHA)

13. I have reason to believe im a really good kisser (hey, just saying)

14. If i dont kill school this semester, my life is over.

15. I flush the toilet Mid-Pee

16. I would much rather stay in with friends, than go out with friends

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

what a whore

At the beginning of the summer, who were you in a relationship with?

What about the end?

Who is the next person you will hold hands with?
hard to say

Are you dating the last person you kissed on the lips?

Did you ever waste too much time on a certain boy or girl?

Have you ever kissed someone and never saw them again?

Have you ever liked someone that had a boyfriend/girlfriend?

How are you feeling right now?

Last time you laughed?
not too long ago

Excited about anything?

Who was the first and last person you heard on the phone today?
dad, mom

Do you believe in celebrating anniversaries?
major ones

Are you someone who worries too often?

What shoes did you wear today?

What's the last sporting event you watched?
york volleyball

Are you wearing socks?

Would you ever donate blood?

What do the majority of people in your life call you?

Have you ever walked on the beach at night?

Are you the same person as you were at the beginning of 2008?

What do you really think of Starbucks Coffee?
dont like coffee

Have you ever kissed anyone whose name started with C, K , R, A, S, or T?
C yes, K no, R yes, A no, S yes, T no.

Who was the last person you went out to eat with?

When is your birthday?
10 29

Last time you felt bad about something?
last night

Do you go tanning?

If someone liked you would you want them to tell you?

Have you held hands with anyone this past week?

What are you doing right now?

Biggest annoyance right now?

Have you spoken to your mother today?

Do you drink water?

Do you care if people hate you for no reason?
not really

What was the last thing you cried about?
laughing too hard

Have you ever lived with your girlfriend/boyfriend?

Have you ever taken someone back after they've cheated?

Last time you kissed someone on the lips?

Next time you will kiss someone?
dont know

Do you currently hate someone?
yes... well dislike... they dont deserve it though

What do you have to do tomorrow?

Do you currently like anyone?
a likkle bit (8) kidding

Can you take this without deleting any questions?

What's going on between you and the last person who kissed you?

What was the worst mistake you made in your life?
i wouldnt know

Would you get back with your last ex if they asked you?
i cant remember who was my last ex, seriously

What's something you really want right now, be honest:
sex and sleep

Last time you had butterflies in your stomach?
not in a long time

Does anything on your body hurt right now?

Who was the last person to disappoint you?
no one

Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?

What are you listening to?
bob marley

What's a quote from a song that you are listening to?
could you be loveddddd?

Have you ever punched a hole in a wall?

Do you know someone in jail?
not currently in jail

What about in DGA?
no idea what that is

Where were you at 2:00 this morning?
in my bed

Who did you copy this from?

How do you know them?
carolines sister

Do you wear glasses?

Anywhere you'd rather be right now?
right here is fine

Are you going anywhere for the next summer?

Do you have plans today?
its 11:30 pm... so no

Waiting for someone to call?

Will you call them if they don't call?

What's a fact about the last person who had their arms around you?
we had a conference once at prom

Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?
american apparel

Could you go a day without eating?

Do you know anyone that smokes weed?

Do you still talk to the last person you dated?

Have you ever kissed a stranger? If so, how did it happen?
yes. i was tipsy. i was in spain. he was cute.

Do your parents force you to go to church or let you make the decision?

When it comes to the opposite sex, what is your type?
the awkward, hot, sleazy kind

Where is the furthest place you've travelled?

Can you do splits?

What was the last thing you drank?
cranberry juice

What was for dinner tonight?

Does your ex miss you?
i have no idea

Does anyone love you?

How has the week been?
too early to judge

Does the last person you shared a bed with mean anything to you?
he means a lot to me actually

Do you curse in front of your parents?
i try not too

Are you slowly drifting away from someone?
dont think so

What girl/boy can you tell everything to?
i never tell anyone EVERYTHING

Did anyone see you kiss the last person you kissed?

When a friend walks out of your life, do you go after them or let them go?
depends on the situation

Have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms?

Do you still talk to the person who last kissed you?

Does anyone hate you?
hell if i know

Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?

Have you ever seen your best friend cry?
Yes and No

Do you dance in the car?

Monday, January 12, 2009

(not so) way-back play-back

omfg. ATL... are you kidding me. Back when I used to braid only one side of my head. Crimp my hair. Wear hella black makeup. Wore wife-beaters, shorts and high socks. Watched BET religiously. Rocked those Dollhouse shoes aka (Sneaker Heels) HAHAHAHA. Oh wow.

NTS: find old Mario CDs.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


so i spent my whole morning watching movies. my afternoon picking up 1 dollars worth of drugs, then spending the day at Cal's. Watched the Raptors lose, listened to his same playlist about like... 5 times, watch the OC, and bicker a lot. Only for his cousin to walk in on Calvin eating tuna, and me sitting cross legged on the couch. Classy right? anyway then I spent the evening at Swiss Chalet with my family. Left dindin, to pick up maui, and make it back to our food. My family basically argued about leaving tip, and how much is enough, or not enough. It got annoying. I jammed to aimees iPod most of the night. On the way home, angey and i made up a little hand dance to Cut Copy... reminiscent of our vintage car dance of like 2-3 years ago now? Shiiiit. And now, im sitting here listening to some gay lil wayne song, trying to finish this ugly ass flow chart. I think im gna watch Pineapple Express Again.

Anyway, I took my first birth control pill today (to regulate my period)... im wondering if im gonna feel any different during the week or whatever. You know, because of the hormone changes and shit.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

another word for cash

little pings and pangs now and then.
you know when you want something out of your head, but you just end up thinking about it even more? yeah thats me right now. Ugh.

Anyway, im working on my self-confidence.

I wanna daaaaance.

stuck in my head. maybe i should get the lingerie. PFT.

the return

finished class at 12.
downtown with my UTM boys.
the sketchiest bus seats ever.
annihilated the fuck out of my no bum.
walk walk walk
eatons center
bell the source bell, next stores
$150 shan swimwear, rating.. a twelve.
Queen -- HMV.
Pineapple Express, thanks Judd Apatow
No kicks.
Swim. Teaching How to Swim. Floating.
water. sauna.
Home Home. Pooped.
i washed my hair 3 times... still smells like chlorine.

thanks calvin.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


my body is so sore right now. Being in bed can only help so much. My room looks like a wreck.

Plus side: i was able to switch into a tuesday tutorial! yay. Now instead of ending fridays at 3:30, i end at 12. Booyah. Ssssstoked!

Currently watching the wedding planner.
Such a good movie. I dont care what anyone says.

Okay, im gonna go take a shower because i am really disgusting, then print off 210 and maybe even 207 and THEN read something.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

is this love?

one of the only things good about working at bikini village

is listening to bob marley.

you know you rock my world

early morning blogging at the utm library, waiting for my 9 am class, listening to ms erykah badu. on repeat. i looked up my booklist, and its gonna be pricey. Ugh. I hate you school. Robbing my dad's money, which he could be using on buying me other things (im kidding).

today is another day of working out with my krystle deseezy. (btw, as much as i hate this whole 'eezy' to the name... it's so hard to stop). Yeah. I finish at 2 today. Thats the earliest i'll finish every week :( Someone switch out of their tuesday/thursday tutorial, pleaaaaaaase. hate you.

i feel like im rambling.

naps + 7.5 hour sleep = a good mood carla.

I should probably eat something.

NTS: Call tita weng & uncle nato, and ask them if they will pay for my hot yoga membership instead of buying me clothes for xmas.

Im thinking if i go to hot yoga/power yoga like 3 times a week or something, for a month... that should do some work right? I'm also considering going back to pescetarianism... but that just might be a total bust, since i have like no self control, and love food too much. Think Think Think. Too early for this type of thing.

Just letting the Badu soak in.

ooh you know you rock my world and you bboy and i bbgirl and, it dont stop until the break of dawwwwwwwwn -- guaranteed stuck in my head all day.

Monday, January 5, 2009


I have the biggest crush on my chem prof and chem ta.

i dont really have much to say today.

i cant believe i forgot how much i love this song.

never expires, good all the time.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


i really love two of my bestfriends.
spent the night just lounging at Caroline's humble home.
talking about big titties, gay boys, work, other stuff.
got into the would you rathers, then do date or dumps.
basically cried most of the night.

fuck i love them.

in a few hours me and sica will be going to see Karim at York. Woop. Road trips.
Then we're gonna get crunks at Kalayaan. Ydig.

Friday, January 2, 2009


cute cousin date. Oakville with Charm Che and Angey babes. East Side Marios & Demetres. White people & No tipping. Just cute <3

so sad, but so stoked.
retiring my Kat Von D calendar :(
but introducing new The Office Calendar for '09 baby!
even more stoked, cuz it was a lucky find at Shoppers Drug Mart + it was 3 dollars. Blaow.


so i got my period, which i am always very excited for. Meaning i am normal, and more importantly am not preggo, heeeey. And it means that im not AS fat as i think i am, because PMS = Bloating. Thus, having a period, makes you not bloated aka thinner (or at least a bit of the illusion) Super stokedddddddd. Anyway, still contemplating if im gonna go on the pill to regulate my period, since its been coming pretty regular for like 3 months now. Other than my menstrual cycle, im planning to do yoga again. Im gonna try and get a monthly pass or something, and see how that goes.

Im craving good music.

I already miss christmas.

"would you rather... open eyed, kiss TPain, WITHOUT his glasses? OR suck lil' waynes penis + both options you catch a disease"

holy fuck, i miss you so much. this mental anesthesia can only work for so long. visit me sometimes.

miss this

Thursday, January 1, 2009

shine in '09

have a happy 2009 everyone. this is probably really generic, but i hope 2009 is a good one for all of you guys! and i pray you juice 2009 for all that its worth <3

so 2008 went out pretty hard... i first had my last minute miracle, downed a whole bottle of vodka, and spent the wee hours of 2009, vomiting out 2008. gnarly morning.

its gonna take a while adjusting... you know, writing 09, and not 08 on the upper right corners of my papers.

going out in a few hours with my cousins, it should be a good time :)