Sunday, January 18, 2009

wuh yuh say?

i bought a bathing suit last night. i actually had the bathing suit on hold for a while, and finally bought it yesterday. 50 bucks :) well considering, it was like 200 dollars before it was marked down, and then with my 50% off discount. So yeah, pretty sweet. Sorina ended up buying her suits she put on hold as well. I also had a Bistro wrap from lettuce eatery, and it was soo effing good. Ugh, i love that place <3. 3 people complimented me on my scarf last night, i felt pretty rad not gonna lie. Ohh, you know what else i had last night? A grapefruit italian soda. Fucking best bro.

anyway, after work, calvin txt'd me to go swimming. obviously, i was stoked considering i had just bought a new bathing suit. Swimming was pretty fun, i kind of just waded around, and just sat by the stairs or on cal or whatever. Spent most of my time in the mens sauna, because it was freaking cold. So cold my lips were purple. I had to hide and stuff from any old men who wanted to come into the sauna. Luckily didnt get caught :) Went home, and wanted to shower. I googled, how to remove chlorine smell out of hair... and in this one post.. someone said that vinegar works. Sooo i tried it. it kind of worked... the chlorine smell isnt as strong, compared to past times in where i didnt use vinegar. So ghetto.

this bikini top

this bikini bottom

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