Disclaimer: I am not a Barack Obama Hater. If i were american, I would vote for him.
In other news, Obama won the US presidential election last night. It was pretty much a given. I am very indifferent to politics, especially since i pretty much have no clue about any of it. I realize that whatever decision the states makes, will affect Canada... but damn, it's kind of funny to see how many canadians i see supporting obama, who i am pretty sure didnt give a fuck about the canadian election a few weeks ago. facebook and msn are flooded with obama oriented statuses, and screen names... its ridic. I'm happy for the dude, whatevs, but all these canadian obama fans on my msn list and fb... im pretty sure have no clue about any political aspect, other than the fact Obama is a democrat, and so happens to be black... oh and that about every hipster celebrity with a coke problem, lesbian/gay lifestyle, weapon charges, support him. So tell me, why did you vote for barack obama?
in all honestly, if i could have voted last night, I would have voted for Obama. My reasoning? To be honest, it would be heavily media influenced. How can i not vote for someone Lindsay Lohan blogs about? That and the fact that Republicans in the white house (as of recent) are just fucking up... McCain is Bush 2.0 (well 3.0 if you include the first Bush)... is pretty much reason enough. We need to pull out of this war... that no one has a clue why we are even still fighting. Oh and because my dad is a republican (in theory), sooo i would vote democrat. Oh and because Barack Obama is black, so thats like 2 more points, and lastly, cuz he's apparently bringing change.... Im not really sure if hope is even worth anything now, cuz man kind is fucked... but he we can give it a shot right?
Not to be a pessimist or anything, but just because obama won, doesnt mean shit. The world isn't going to change miraculously. What comes next is gonna be crazy and hectic. Lots of people are gonna be disoriented and confused, really happy or amazingly pissed the fuck off. It's gonna get worse before it gets better. When it comes to this massive surgery that the US of A is about to undergo... no doubt, will somewhere in the middle look like a murder scene... but with fingers crossed will you end up with a fully recovered and healed country. Or you get paralyzed. or you die. Just tune it everyday for the latest updates. Brightside: now people have hope in their country again, and that has to count for something. regardless of my pov on the whole hypocrisy of the canadian perspective of american politics... i'm happy that now americans can finally have some faith in the institution that has failed them for so many years. Change isn't a given, its a goal
Please try your best to interpret the sarcasm... i know, my sarcasm is amazing.
I probably sound like the biggest hippo right now... but in any case, congrats Barack Obama.
1 comment:
that was an awesome post,
and even more awesome picture.
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